
Drastically Reduce Time to Develop Analytics at Intent Technologies

March 6, 2024

Thu Jul 16 2020 08:25:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Mieke Houbrechts

Drastically Reduce Time to Develop Analytics at Intent Technologies

How Intent Technologies drastically reduced the time to develop analytics

As a property manager or public community, it can be challenging to work with lots of external companies. You’re dependent on external suppliers, which involves risks. However, when backed with the right data, you’ll be able stay much more in control of your properties.

Intent Technologies, a French SaaS platform, helps property managers to operate the services in their buildings more efficiently. To do this, they offer real-time alerting and dashboards. Intent partners with Luzmo to power those real-time dashboards inside their application.

What is Intent?

Intent is a supervision platform for the real estate market and public communities. Both property managers and smart cities use it to supervise the services in their building or city. Jean-Philippe Régnier, Sales Director at Intent Technologies explains.

“Our platform offers our clients a real-time vision of everything that is happening in their buildings or city. Most of their activities are operated by external companies. So, they need a platform where they can integrate all the data from these different companies. They need real-time alerts, notifications and a high-level overview of what’s happening.”

Jean-Phippe Régnier, Sales Director at Intent Technologies

The Intent platform has integrations with many service providers on the real estate market. It’s a hub to collect all that data in one platform. But in order to present data visually to their clients, it was key to find a reliable partner to power the dashboards.

As their clients began to request more dashboarding and reporting features, they started investigating Luzmo as a partner for their visualizations.

The challenge: how to drastically reduce the time to create a dashboard?

Before the collaboration with Luzmo, the Intent platform already offered a standard reporting module for every client. However, the standard reporting with general KPIs was not enough for every client. Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies, clarifies.

“More and more of our customers today want very specific dashboards. Completely custom to their specific use case. However, the problem was that our standard reporting module is completely built in custom code. For this reason, we knew this tactic wouldn’t scale with custom dashboards. If we wanted to act on this demand fast, we needed a more flexible way to offer new reports.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies

As a result, they started looking for tools to get more agility in creating the dashboards. Soon, they found Luzmo to be a great fit for their needs.

“We needed to drastically lower the amount of effort we put into creating customized dashboards. From that angle, Luzmo allowed us to reduce the time to produce a dashboard from weeks to days. Even to hours.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies
Screenshot of custom dashboards in the Intent Technologies platform

The implementation: a mix of embedded dashboards and custom code

The Intent platform uses a mix of technologies for their customer-facing analytics. To enumerate, there are 3 main components, powered by different technologies:

  1. Operational analytics
  2. A set of standard reports for all clients
  3. Custom reporting & analytics per client

1. Operational analytics

What is it?

This is the first thing you’ll see when logging in. The dashboard shows what’s going on right now on the site. Moreover, it triggers alerts for things that need to be checked right away.

Which tech stack does it use?

  • Visualizations: developed in-house, using custom web code
  • Data source: Algolia (realtime)

2. Standard deep-dive reports

What is it?

The section of standard reports are accessible for all users. Specifically, they show data about interventions on site. These are mainly used for historical analysis of tickets, or to define maintenance actions.

Which tech stack does it use?

Because they deal with lots and lots of data, these dashboards aren’t realtime. Additionally, they have limited interactivity through a couple of drill-down filters. This is to ensure good performance, even with huge amounts of data. In the future, the visualizations will eventually be migrated to Luzmo to scale more quickly.

3. Custom analytics per client

What is it?

Some clients have data or KPIs that are very specific to their use case. In order to handle these out-of-the-box reporting requests, Intent uses Luzmo to deliver reporting faster without custom development.

Which tech stack does it use?

  • Visualization: Luzmo
  • Data storage: Amazon S3
  • Data warehouse: Embedded data warehouse on Clickhouse
  • Master filters: custom web code

The advantage of this set-up is twofold:

  1. Faster performance and more interactivity, thanks to the setup with Clickhouse.
  2. Faster go-to-production, as Luzmo drastically reduces the amount of time to build and embed a dashboard.

Screenshot of custom dashboards in the Intent Technologies platform

The advantage: a seamless integration with their own tech stack

You notice that Intent’s stack consists of multiple technologies. So for them, it was indispensable that Luzmo would deeply integrate with the stack they were already using.

Because of a powerful feature called bidirectional communication, Luzmo can easily interact with the different technologies of which the Intent Platform consists.

“All the information like roles and user rights are defined within our own platform. Due to the wide possibilities of Luzmo’s API, we can securely pass on all that information from our own filters to the embedded iframe. In fact, this level of flexibility was something we did not find in any other vendor platform.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies

They evaluated other embedded BI vendors, yet they chose Luzmo specifically because of this flexibility.

“We evaluated other competing platforms like Power BI, which are very powerful. However, they don’t integrate so easily into our user experience and existing interfaces. For this reason exactly, we chose Luzmo: the ability to mix it with different technologies is very powerful.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies

In addition, they also needed a platform which was flexible enough in terms of styling and look & feel:

“It was vital that the dashboards feel seamless when embedded in our platform. Although we are mixing techniques, we want all of our dashboards to look completely the same for the user. Whether it’s custom coded or built in Luzmo. Because of the advanced styling options, we succeeded to make Luzmo completely invisible.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies
Luzmo analytics embedded in the IIntent Technologies platform

A joint success: a successful integration in less than 2 months

Intent Technologies participated in our quick validation program. A 2-month, low-commitment validation track where we closely guide our customers to push their embedded analytics to production.

“During the validation track, we created and embedded dashboards for one of our most strategic clients as a pilot project. If this failed, it would have been a failure for both of us. But thanks to our close collaboration, it was a huge success for this client.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies

Their client, an expert company specialized in the auditing of elevators, needed very specific reports. Therefore, Intent wanted to make a specific reporting proposal for them. The drag & drop interface made this a lot easier:

“With Luzmo, we can make very agile proposals to our clients. We can show something that looks good and finished, by just dragging and dropping a dashboard together. Does the client want advanced visualizations? Or simply a set of data tables? We can make it look sexy, or absolutely basic. The most important thing is that we can tailor it to each client’s needs very fast.”

Jean-Phippe Régnier, Sales Director at Intent Technologies

This guided onboarding track was a major factor in their choice for Luzmo. Firstly, it was a fast way to validate Luzmo as a partner. But in addition, having such a close collaboration with a local European partner was an important bonus.

“The solution engineering team was very reactive during the whole process. Because our client had very high expectations, we had lots of small feature requests and needed minor adjustments. The team was very collaborative and even added some new functionalities for us during the PoC. So, we knew from the beginning that Luzmo would be a trustworthy partner.”

Alexis Lesage, CTO at Intent Technologies

Powerful analytics for the real estate market

It’s great to see how Intent Technologies empowers the real estate market with better insights into their data. We’re proud of our collaboration! 💪

Are you in SaaS, and are you interested in a similar use case of embedded dashboards in your platform? Get a guided tour of Luzmo, and learn how you can drastically reduce development time on analytics.

Good decisions start with actionable insights.

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